Truck Accident Lawyer Charlotte NC


If you or a loved one was wounded in a truck accident, you have the legal right to seek compensation for your losses.

Negligent parties must be held responsible. Even though trucking firms and their drivers are fully insured, you may get less than a complete and fair financial recovery if you confront them alone. A high quality Charlotte trucking accident lawyer at Yale Haymond Law PLLC can assist you in obtaining the compensation you deserve after a large rig collision. We have assisted many people and families in obtaining compensation for catastrophic injuries. We’ve been in business for years because we’re dedicated to helping clients achieve the best possible result in their cases. Following a transportation accident, a trucking company’s primary aim is to escape responsibility. Despite having enough insurance, most trucking firms aren’t willing to take accountability for accidents. They want to employ substantial legal resources to avoid responsibility and save money.

Using aggressive legal tactics, your lawyer can help you construct a solid case against the trucking business and establish responsibility. During insurance discussions, our Charlotte truck accident lawyer will not allow you to settle for less than your case is worth. We will seek maximum compensation from all at-fault parties, whether commercial trucking firms or individual truckers. Driving on a highway in Charlotte typically entails sharing the road with semi-trucks and 18-wheelers. Even if you’re just in the passing lane, this may be nerve-racking. Truck accidents happen all the time, resulting in thousands of injuries and fatalities throughout the country—Yale Haymond Law PLLC is here to help.

Yale Haymond Law PLLC’s trucking accident lawyer in Charlotte understands that trucking firms have adjusters, investigators, and lawyers who will conduct an accident investigation. Their ultimate goal is to minimize the company’s liability at all costs. Contact our firm so that we can fully examine the situation. It is also conceivable that the insurance company will undertake its investigation, resulting in a negative outcome. You have alternatives if you are involved in a truck accident, particularly if the event was not your fault. We can negotiate with the insurance company and even go to court to get you the money you deserve. We may file a case against the truck business. If you or a loved one has been severely wounded in a truck accident, contact Yale Haymond Law PLLC immediately.

Most importantly, our firm provides every one of our clients with the utmost care and attention. We are here to assist you, and we treat our clients like family.


In a catastrophic truck collision, everyone on the road is in danger of sustaining serious injuries. All too frequently, trucking companies budget for insurance and possible liability expenses and regard accidents as part of the normal course of business. Our trucking accident lawyer in Charlotte at Yale Haymond Law PLLC is committed to defending clients who have suffered serious and life-changing accidents – and will work on even the most difficult cases. We realize that severe injuries may result in a lifetime of losses and costs. We devote our time and resources to defending the long-term interests of clients who have suffered catastrophic injuries or lost family members in accidents.

It is not easy to investigate a truck collision. As soon as our attorney becomes aware of an injured client, we launch an extensive investigation to establish if a motorist or business broke any safety laws. These investigations may involve dispatching detectives and expert consultants to the accident site to gather evidence of carelessness and blame. Yale Haymond Law has the strategies and technologies to uncover the information required to pursue justice for our clients’ truck accident injuries.


Filing a Personal Injury Insurance Claim

After you’ve chosen an appropriate team of legal professionals, you may use the step-by-step method below to protect your legal rights and submit a personal injury claim after a truck accident interrupts your life by inflicting a severe injury.

Step 1: Seek Medical Attention Right Away.

It is sometimes impossible for a person to assess the extent of the damage caused by a truck accident. If you are in a big rig collision, you must get medical care right away. While you may not feel any pain after an accident, your injuries may be internal. Some serious injuries (e.g., head traumas) have no immediate outward symptoms. A medical professional’s assessment soon after an accident may guarantee that the essential safety measures are followed. Not only can seeking medical attention promptly after a truck collision save your life, but it will also assist in guaranteeing that your injuries are properly recorded. This may be crucial in demonstrating that the truck collision caused your injuries.

Step 2: Conduct an investigation and gather evidence.

To strengthen your truck accident claim against the at-fault driver, you want to have indisputable proof. Indeed, the prospect of gathering evidence in the aftermath of a truck accident seems daunting. The good news is that a competent truck accident attorney understands what evidence to gather and where to locate it to establish your case. Your legal team will make every attempt to unearth even the most minute details of your case. Evidence about the truck accident is critical in proving your claim. The closer you start gathering evidence to the moment of the accident, the better off you will be. That means you should contact a professional Charlotte truck accident attorney as soon as possible before witness recollections fade or the site of the collision changes, making reconstruction difficult or impossible.

Step 3: Make a Compensation Request

Now that you’ve gathered and examined all of the relevant information, it’s time to go ahead with your settlement demand. Your Charlotte truck accident lawyer will carefully write and submit a letter to the at-fault party’s insurance provider, effectively placing in writing a very precise demand — a monetary payment amount in return for settling the case out of court.

Step 4: Participate in Settlement Negotiations

A “settlement” is the most likely result of a truck accident claim in Charlotte, NC. Settlements are essentially “out-of-court” agreements between the at-fault party’s insurance provider and the injured party. The at-fault party’s insurance provides a sum of money to the injured party in return for the injured party agreeing to dismiss the truck accident claim immediately. Once the driver’s insurance adjusters have your requests in front of them and have had a chance to examine the evidence and get a feel of their case, they will decide. Their next move could be to agree to your demands and proceed with an out-of-court settlement or negotiate the terms and present a counter-offer.

Step 5: Take Legal Action

While most truck accident lawsuits in Charlotte, NC, are settled out of court, this is not always the case. When this occurs and the at-fault party’s insurance company fails to act appropriately, you and your legal team should be prepared to battle. This is where having a truck accident lawyer may help.


Determining your truck accident’s cause is an important component of your claim.

When necessary, our Charlotte law office can use its extensive resources to investigate accidents and discover any carelessness on the side of the truck driver, trucking business, or vehicle manufacturer. We will work hard to hold the trucking industry fully responsible for negligent actions and regulatory breaches to get full compensation for our clients, enhance safety, and avoid future damage to other motorists. Every day, semi-trucks and tractor-trailers cause accidents throughout Charlotte. Because these vehicles are so enormous, usually weighing up to 30 times the car’s weight, a collision with one can be disastrous. The driver and passenger(s) of the vehicle always suffer the worst. These cars are very difficult to handle and drive. Truck drivers must take reasonable precautions to avoid injuring people when driving along the roadway.

While driving beside a truck may be stressful, semis and tractor-trailers are subject to specific regulations. These rules are intended to safeguard the public and reduce the likelihood of accidents. State and federal regulations require vehicles to be inspected and serviced regularly. Truckers must also follow particular regulations, such as having special licenses and adhering to hourly driving limitations. Despite these laws and regulations, wheel trucks are often engaged in accidents caused by:

  • Negligence by a trucking firm
  • Insufficient maintenance
  • Errors by truck drivers
  • Truck driver exhaustion
  • Truck driving while distracted
  • Weather and road conditions that are unfavorable
  • Trailers that are too heavy
  • Loads that are unsafe or insecure
  • Hazardous substance transportation

Failure to properly maintain these vehicles is one of the major causes of truck accidents. When maintenance is not done properly, the truck business may be negligent. While laws set hourly driving restrictions, truckers often travel for extended periods across vast distances and must meet tight delivery deadlines. As a result, truck drivers often lack sufficient sleep, feel excessively tired, and are easily distracted, all of which may result in fatal results. When you are involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler, more than one person may be at blame. Drivers may be self-employed or employed by a major trucking business, and both parties may be held responsible for their injuries. There are also cargo loaders, truck mechanics, and other trucking industry professionals to consider. Because of the complexities of the commercial trucking sector, identifying the appropriate negligent parties to mention in your claim may be challenging. Your Charlotte commercial truck accident attorney can assist you in sorting through these details and maximizing the value of your claim.


Seeking a Truck Accident Attorney That Can Help You

When a big rig has struck you, you want to know your case is in good hands. Accidents involving commercial trucks and tractor-trailers may be much more destructive and complex than a typical car collision. As a result, they should only be handled by a law firm with experience.

Yale Haymond Law PLLC’s trucking accident lawyer in Charlotte can help you. Expert witnesses may examine the facts of your case and assist us in developing a successful trial strategy. Truck accident cases are quite different from car accident cases and other kinds of lawsuits. When it comes to personal injury cases involving tractor-trailers or 18-wheelers, experience matters. Truckers and transportation firms are required to follow a complicated system of federal and state rules and regulations regulating hours of operation, maintenance and inspection standards, and other safety protocols.

Our firm’s tractor-trailer accident lawyer is ready to help. If you are wounded and unable to come to us, we can go to meet you wherever you are. Nothing is more catastrophic than being involved in a collision with a tractor-trailer. Your injuries may be fatal, and medical bills could be substantial. Your insurance may not cover all of your costs, and you may struggle to go back to your normal life.


Schedule A Free Consultation With Your Truck Accident Lawyer Today

One of the essential stages in mounting a successful case is contacting the appropriate attorney after being injured in a truck accident. Yale Haymond Law PLLC has provided top notch legal assistance for clients throughout North Carolina. By calling our office, you can arrange for a free case assessment with an attorney. Don’t put off learning how much your truck accident compensation may be worth. Call our office now to set up a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer and get started on your truck accident claim.

Contact us today at (704) 800-HELP (4357) for high quality legal services.