Cars and trucks typically come with safety features to protect occupants during an accident: airbags, rollbars, and specially designed crumple zones. Unfortunately, motorcycles don’t typically have any of these features. 

Because motorcyclists are more exposed during a collision, they often suffer catastrophic injuries. While insurance can provide some compensation, you may face obstacles in receiving claim approval or find the amount insufficient to cover your expenses.

In this post, our experienced motorcycle lawyer in Charlotte, NC, summarizes what you need to know about motorcycle accident claims and compensation.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Common vehicle accident injuries range from minor cuts and bruises to whiplash and spinal cord damage. However, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists involved in accidents have 16 times the fatality rate and four times the injury rate of passenger car occupants. 

As a general rule, more severe injuries may entitle you to higher compensation amounts in motorcycle accident claims. Common motorcycle crash injuries include the following:

  • Road rash: More severe than just a scrape, road rash can remove multiple layers of skin, sometimes exposing muscles underneath. 
  • Leg injuries: Your lower extremities may be broken, crushed, or even severed in an accident. Even if such an injury isn’t fatal, it may cause long-term disability.
  • Arm injuries: Traffic accidents often throw motorcycle occupants off their bikes. Because of the instinct to put our arms out to brace for impact, motorcyclists may suffer broken arms and severe nerve damage.
  • Head and neck injuries: Some of the most severe injuries in motorcycle accidents come from damage to the brain or spinal cord. Traumatic head injuries (TBIs) can cause anything from recurrent headaches to permanent incapacitation and even death.

Types of Compensation in Motorcycle Accident Claims

Typically, motorcycle accident victims in North Carolina can seek financial compensation for two types of losses:

  • Economic damages compensate accident victims for tangible losses that come with a price tag, such as medical expenses and lost income due to injury. 
  • Non-economic damages, on the other hand, cover the equally real but more difficult to quantify intangible losses like pain and suffering after an accident. 

However, there is one very important legal concept to know in North Carolina: contributory negligence. This means that if you are found to be even slightly responsible for a traffic accident, you may not qualify to collect any compensation. That’s why working with a motorcycle accident lawyer to build a strong case is essential to all motorcycle accident claims.

How To Build a Strong Motorcycle Accident Case

Building a strong legal claim starts at the accident scene and continues until the two parties reach a settlement agreement or a court issues a verdict. You can support your case and increase the chance of compensation by doing the following:

  • Call the police: A police report can provide essential evidence regarding a serious crash.
  • Document the scene: If your injuries are not too severe, you can take a video of the accident scene, take pictures of the vehicles involved, and collect the contact information of any witnesses.
  • Seek medical care: Even if you feel fine after the accident, getting checked out by a doctor is essential to maintaining your health and proving your injury.
  • Collect documentation: Keep all of your medical bills, paystubs showing reduced hours or missed days, and any other evidence that supports your claim and shows that your injuries are related to the accident.
  • Keep a diary: Make a note of missed days at work, pain levels, mobility troubles, and emotional health. This provides evidence of your recovery process and may help you collect non-economic damages.

How a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

Another essential step to protecting yourself after an accident is hiring an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. A competent personal injury lawyer will help you do the following:

  • Collect evidence, including surveillance video and witness statements
  • Handle all of the necessary paperwork when you file a claim, including keeping track of statutes of limitations and filing deadlines
  • Protect your rights, including guiding you through the legal system and defending you against claims of contributory negligence
  • Negotiate with insurance adjusters on your behalf
  • Evaluate settlement offers to help you achieve fair compensation for your injuries 
  • Represent you at trial if necessary

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Charlotte, NC

For more information about filing motorcycle accident claims, contact Yale Haymond Law PLLC. Whether you need a motorcycle accident lawyer or a drunk driving accident lawyer, we provide assertive legal representation. Call us today at 704-800-HELP (4357) or chat with us online to set up a free consultation and learn about the common types of motorcycle accidents.